Crystal Print Preview Works - Vantage Print Does Not

I added two VBform date fields to the sales order line for FROM REQUEST DATE
and TO REQUEST DATE. I added a formula in Crystal for SUPPRESS NO DRILL
{orderrel.JOBSHIPQTY} + {orderrel.STKSHIPQTY} >= {orderrel.REQQTY}
OR {orderrel.NEEDBYDATE} < {orderdtl.ODDATE01}
OR {orderrel.NEEDBYDATE} > {orderdtl.ODDATE02}

Now I can reacknowledge a blanket order without closed releases appearing by
manually filling in my added FROM and TO dates.

However when I view this in Crystal all is well but printing in Vantage I
get 4 pages, the first three are blank likes its cycling thru adding blank

Any help would be appreciated.

By the way I have SUPPRESS BLANK LINE checked everywhere I could find it.

Patrick Winter