Crystal Report and Data Definition

Open the Report Style for your pretty form and change it to use the correct
Then RUN a Test Report (Won't work)

but will give you an XML you can use
Then open the pretty RPT in crystal developer and give it the new XML as the
data, it should update its data definition to account for new fields and

I think you got it from there.

*Jose C Gomez*
*Software Engineer*
*T: 904.469.1524 mobile
E: jose@...
<> <>
<> <>

*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:22 PM, jplehr <jlehr@...> wrote:

> Vantage 8.03.408A
> Back in '08 I customized our 'ARForm'. Customization is basically making it
> pretty to our company. The practice I use is to modify the Crystal Report
> and name it under a new name. Always retaining the original.
> Nobody has questioned anything on this form until recently. We recently
> started 'Advanced Billing'. Someone questioned how they do not see anything
> on the invoice showing 'Advanced Billing'. Comparing the original (which
> does have a file date in '09...probably about the time of an upgrade) to my
> customized form I see a difference of the available fields.
> My question: What is the easiest process to get my pretty form utilizing
> the appropriate fields from the new RDD?
> Jeff

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Vantage 8.03.408A

Back in '08 I customized our 'ARForm'. Customization is basically making it pretty to our company. The practice I use is to modify the Crystal Report and name it under a new name. Always retaining the original.

Nobody has questioned anything on this form until recently. We recently started 'Advanced Billing'. Someone questioned how they do not see anything on the invoice showing 'Advanced Billing'. Comparing the original (which does have a file date in '09...probably about the time of an upgrade) to my customized form I see a difference of the available fields.

My question: What is the easiest process to get my pretty form utilizing the appropriate fields from the new RDD?
