I finally found what I was looking for.
The IsNull & Not IsNull function was just what I needed to add to the
-----Original Message-----
I am trying to put a subtotal on my Invoices (long story). This subtotal is
to be without any taxes. I can get it all to work well as long as there are
taxes for at least one line item. If there isn't any Invctax records my
subtotal comes up blank. Adding anything from the Invctax table makes the
Subtotal blank even thought there is an amount in Invchead.Invamount.
Any ideas. Thanks
Subtotal for Invoices - no taxes:
if {invchead.INVAMOUNT} > 0 and {@TaxTotalChk} > 0
then {invchead.INVAMOUNT} - {@TaxTotalChk}
@TaxTotalChk ( used to check sum of invctax.taxmt)
if {#RTotalTax} > 0
then {#RTotalTax}
else 0
Nancy Dunn
Winco Industries
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The IsNull & Not IsNull function was just what I needed to add to the
-----Original Message-----
I am trying to put a subtotal on my Invoices (long story). This subtotal is
to be without any taxes. I can get it all to work well as long as there are
taxes for at least one line item. If there isn't any Invctax records my
subtotal comes up blank. Adding anything from the Invctax table makes the
Subtotal blank even thought there is an amount in Invchead.Invamount.
Any ideas. Thanks
Subtotal for Invoices - no taxes:
if {invchead.INVAMOUNT} > 0 and {@TaxTotalChk} > 0
then {invchead.INVAMOUNT} - {@TaxTotalChk}
@TaxTotalChk ( used to check sum of invctax.taxmt)
if {#RTotalTax} > 0
then {#RTotalTax}
else 0
Nancy Dunn
Winco Industries
To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/files/. Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
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