Crystal Report -

Thanks Wayne. I feel pretty stupid right about now.


Wayne Cox wrote:

> At 10:09 AM 9/5/2001 , you wrote:
> >We have several blanket orders, with various vendors. The Due date is
> >sorted like the following ..... how do I get it to sort the correct way.
> This is for the PO form, right? You can add a sort on PORel.DueDate to fix it.
> -WC
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Dina M. Hieber
Vamco International, Inc.
555 Epsilon Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 963-7100 - phone
(412) 963-9511 - fax
I know this has been covered before but I forget the outcome. And of
course did not save any of the emails.

We have several blanket orders, with various vendors. The Due date is
sorted like the following:


Which I know it is because it is ASCI text but how do I get it to sort
the correct way.


Dina M. Hieber
Vamco International, Inc.
555 Epsilon Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 963-7100 - phone
(412) 963-9511 - fax
At 10:09 AM 9/5/2001 , you wrote:
>We have several blanket orders, with various vendors. The Due date is
>sorted like the following ..... how do I get it to sort the correct way.

This is for the PO form, right? You can add a sort on PORel.DueDate to fix it.