I've been using Crystal 7 and 8 without any problems on Windows 2000. Crystal 8 will work fine with Vantage 4.0 reports. Just make sure that you save them in the version 7 format.
Ted Kitch
Ted Kitch
----- Original Message -----
From: Dahlinger, Jerry
To: 'vantage@egroups.com'
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:39 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Reports 7.0 with Windows 2000
I was going to install Crystal Reports 7.0 on my new Windows 2000 machine
but found that it hasn't been tested by Seagate for compatibilty. Has anyone
had experience using 7.0 with Windows 2K for Vantage 4.0 reports?
How about version 8.0? Seagate says only "Maintenance Release 1" will be
tested for Windows 2000 compatibility but is this maintenance release
available now? Aren't there some other issues about using 8.0 with Vantgage
4.0 reports?
Gerald L. Dahlinger, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Guntert & Zimmerman Const. Div., Inc.
email: gdahlinger@...
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