Hi Jose,
I tried this but received the following error:
Error: BC30002 - line 32 (262) - Type 'ReportDocument' is not
I added all the Crystal Reports dll's before entering your code.
Do you have any idea what I may have done wrong?
I tried this but received the following error:
Error: BC30002 - line 32 (262) - Type 'ReportDocument' is not
I added all the Crystal Reports dll's before entering your code.
Do you have any idea what I may have done wrong?
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Jose Ferrer" <ferrerj@...> wrote:
> Hi
> According with the help, yes, you need the SDK to add a new
table/field to a
> existing report, BUT we had the SDK training and I ask that simple
> "How to add a new table?" after several weeks I did not receive
any answer
> so I'm creating new reports from scratch (all new reports have
> connection to the DB, in our case SQL and are much much faster,
but you
> cannot schedule them) This way you do not need to compile or open
> application you just use a Vantage screen.
> In order to publish a new Crystal report this is what we did:
> 1-Select a screen where you want to show the report
> 2-Create a new tab using the wizard
> 3-Add the Crystal references to the screen
> CrystalDecisions.* (dll's)
> 4-Add this code in the customization of the screen
> In '// Add Custom Module Level Variables Here **
> Private WithEvents crystalReportViewer As
> CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer
> Dim oRpt As ReportDocument
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> In InitializeCustomCode() (or create a new sub and call this sub
from here)
> crystalReportViewer = New
> CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer
> crystalReportViewer.ActiveViewIndex = -1
> crystalReportViewer.Anchor =
> CType((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or
> System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) _
> Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _
> Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right),
> System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
> crystalReportViewer.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8,
> crystalReportViewer.Name = "crystalReportViewer"
> crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = Nothing
> crystalReportViewer.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(725,
> crystalReportViewer.TabIndex = 1
> dim ReportPanel as object =
> CType(csm.getNativeControlReference("c2cb6d82-b1cb-4d8a-b815-
> object)
> reportPanel.Controls.Add(crystalReportViewer)
> (you need to change the proper GUID of the new panel)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> All the previous code is to add the crystal viewer object to the
> And now this is a sample of the code to assign the report file and
> it to the DB (you can use it in a button and change the report
> programmatically and store the dbuser and password in other place
like the
> company table)
> oRpt = New ReportDocument
> oRpt.Load(<put here the location of the report using
double \\>)
> oRpt.SetDatabaseLogon(DBUser, DBPassword, AppServer, DB)
<- here
> you need to set the parameters to connect the report to the DB
> oRpt.SetDatabaseLogon(DBUser, DBPassword) <- for some
reason I need
> to do it for second time (we connect to SQL server)
> oRpt.SetParameterValue("InvoiceNum", "123") <- this way
you can set
> the parameters values to the report, parameter name, value
> crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = oRpt
> dim ReportPanel as object =
> CType(csm.getNativeControlReference("c2cb6d82-b1cb-4d8a-b815-
> object) <- set the proper GUID of the panel
> ReportPanel.focus
> Hopefully this could help you
> Regards,
> Jose Ferrer
> >From: RSN <rsnsfi@...>
> >Reply-To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> >To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Rpts(BO XI) and MS Visual Studio .NET
> >expertise reqd.
> >Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:59:51 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >I have 2 issues:-We use Vantage 8.00.809 and Business Objects XI
> >(I have the developers version on my desktop). I'm not using the
> >SDK as Epicor indicates as a requirement in order to add tables to
> >existing Vantage reports.
> > 1) If anyone has Crystal expertise on modifying Vantage std
> >sepcifically the Job Traveler,I would appreciate any help on
this. Trying
> >to modify the Job Traveler
> >Rpt to include the Bin# and Lot# from the PartTran table in the
> >RawMatlComponents Sub-report and cannot figure out how to set up
> >selection
> >or relationships links/criteria to do this correctly (and
> >I've added the table and it shows up correctly on the report
> >datasource. Once materials have been issued to a job from
specific bins and
> >lots, we need to show this on the job traveler. When I add the
> >PartTran.Binnum or PartTran.Lotnum fields on this report where
> >PartTran.JobNum=JobHead.Jobnum, the whole sub-report disappears
from the
> >report. I figured that it was due to the links on the fields when
I added
> >the PartTran table to the JobHead, JobMatl tables. Any ideas?
> > 2) Does anyone know how to use MS VisualStudio .NET 2003 (has
> >capabilities included) to compile a Crystal report as an .exe
file so that
> >I can deploy it to users where they don't have to use /know the
> >sysprogress password to the Vantage database. I've developed
> >custom
> >Vantage reports that I've not quite figured out how to deploy to
> >end-user without divulging the sysprogress pswd so this would be
> >tremendously useful. I need specific instructions since the
> >and help on VS.Net is not very forthcoming. Any other suggestions
> >involves not procuring other utilities) are appreciated as well.
> > Thank you in advance
> > rsn
> >
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------
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> >
> >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
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