Currency Revaluation Process Not Posting - Hung

I have filed Epicor Support Call 3441199ESC MC Posting process on currency revaluation.
It’s being passed to a Senior Analyst which should be calling me, but Accounting wants this done sooner than later.
I checked for any Open AR/AP groups or anything in the review journal and it’s empty.
Support already had me run conversion 1190 and that has not resolved this issue.
There is only one log entry for the task in system monitor and it says:
‘Revaluation Cmp10-gn has been sent to Posting Engine.’
It’s been there for 4 hours.

The only other interesting thing is that that company is currently in the middle of a Full Physical Count and I proposed to Support that perhaps that is causing an issue.

Has anyone else seen this or have ideas to resolve?

Anything in your Review Journal?

nope, already checked that (noted in original post)

Hi Rick,

Did you ever get to the bottom of this. We have an error during currency reval but all log entries appear to be blank.
