I am looking at some legacy custom code. I am not a programmer by trade so i am not sure what this on item is looking at.
Here is an example. I just don’t know what the V stands for in front of vPartDesc –
If vPartDesc <> edvPart.dataView(edvPart.Row)(“PartDescription”).ToUpper() Then
I just need to know what is is comparing too…
I am guessing the edv.Part.DataViewed(edv.Part.Row) is from the Part table.
vPartDesc is a variable that was likely created earlier in the code and at some point had its value set.
The edvPart is also a variable that was set to the dataview for the Part table.
This line of code is checking to see if the part description stored in vPartDesc does not equal the part description of the current row in the dataview.
Hope this helps.
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“Typically” the v means that it’s a variable. So some where in the code that variable is being assigned a value I would look for something that looks like this: "vPartDesc = " in the code above to determine what its being assigned to. Hope this helps.