Custom Fields Mapping

Hi All,

I have a problem with mapping custom fields. We use Character01 / 02 / 03 / 04 in Part table to define additional properties of the part.
Idea is to populate those fields in to different tables like: JobMtl, EcoMtl so it can those properties can be visible in Jobs / BOMS / Quotes.
I've played around with Custom Field Map but this does not work at all.
As far as I know for Jobs I should map: Part.Character01 -> JobMtl.Character01.

I've looked in the database and those fields are empty in JobMtl table so my guess is after changing settings in Custom Field Map some process must regenerate those fields in the database ( SQL )?

I've spend quite a lot of time on this including customisation/data tools foreign key view and Custom column like ( Foreign key view did not work on the grid view and Column like did not make any changes at all )

What is the correct way of doing it?
