Custom screen error - Exception caught in error

Have a custom screen, but whenever I try to open it I get this error message:

Application Error

Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib

Error Detail

Message: Control ‘cmbWCBCode’ of type EpiCombo has an invalid binding to UD100A.WCBCode_c.
Program: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll
Method: ColumnExists

Client Stack Trace

at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiControlHelper.ColumnExists(Object ownerControl, EpiDataView epiDataView, String columnName, Boolean throwException)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiUltraCombo.EventSetup()
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiUltraCombo.set_EpiTransaction(IEpiTransaction value)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiUIUtils.BindNConfigureControls()

UD screen has been working for a long time without any issues. Not sure why it stopped working today.

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Is the table in sync? Does the column still exist?

If I look up UD100A in the Extended UD Table Maintenance screen, I see two bars on the right:

  • Table in sync
  • Data Model not synced

Should I do a data model regeneration?


Thanks Aaron, that worked