I am trying to create a BPM that would Alert us if the Industry code is missing. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You could make a bpm to make the field required or do a schedule baq report to send a list of the ones missing.
The easiest way is to go to Extended Property Maintenance and mark the field as required. Then the system will not let you save the record until it is populated.
That stinks. I’ve never seen that before. I guess you will have to do a BPM.
Can you point me in the right direction on how I would get this to work? I have a BPM, Customer/Update Pre-process Condition my query customer to ICType but nothing seems to work.
It is not as simple as checking for an empty field since the CustIC is a child table like an attribute. I setup the data tonight and will look at a possible widget way to do this and if that doesn’t work a simple .any query will do the job.
This does a message. once you know it works I assume you would make it an exception.
E10 IC Required.bpm (25.5 KB)
Thank you so much, Greg! How do I apply this to Epicor? Do I save it and import it???
Sorry, I did not look at your version. You can’t use directive import since I am at a later version. It is a simple bpm so here are the steps.
EDIT: On Customer Update
make a variable for CustNum
Assign CustNum to CustNum in a Set Argument/Variable widget

Add a condition widget and pick the number of rows in the query is less than 1 condition
Add the CustIC table to the query with another name and a condition that CustNum = your variable CustNum
Make a message or exception from the true branch of the condition.
Hi Greg, is this BPM on the Customer/Update or the ICCode/Update?
I got it (the variable) part and am working through this now. Thanks
Customer. I edited the steps to be clearer.
Hi Greg,
When I “Enable” the BPM I receive the following error… I don’t think it likes my variable
How did you set the CustNum parameter? The default is string, but you need Integer.
That is correct. If they have less than 1 it is true and you would put up the message or stop the save.
Post your baq so we can take a look.