Customer Primary Contact- Billing, Purchasing, and Shipping

Hello Group,

I’m tying to located three Primary Contact checkboxes (Billing, Purchasing, Shipping) located in Customer Maintenance. I’ve created a BAQ and searched Customer, Custcnt, Person, etc. Extending Property has no DB Assigned and has them checked as External.

Which database can I use to located these fields for my BAQ??

Thanks in advance.


Decompiling to the rescue :slight_smile:

Here are the fields, BUT they dont exist in the DB


They affect the CUSTOMER table:

It sets the Contact # of the relevant contact to those fields

So for your BAQ (depending on how its configured) you could say if myContact# = parentCustomer.PrimBCon then I am the primary buyer

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Hi Chris,

How would I go about creating a BAQ on these fields, is this possible?


Sure, depends on your end goal. Perhaps a screenshot of you current query in the builder would give me an idea of what you are looking for (tables, links, etc).

I had to build a BAQ for this so I thought I would post the Calculated Fields for 10.1.500:

Primary Billing (bit): CASE WHEN CustCnt.ConNum=Customer.PrimBCon THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Primary Purchasing (bit): CASE WHEN CustCnt.ConNum=Customer.PrimPCon THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Primary Shipping (bit): CASE WHEN CustCnt.ConNum=Customer.PrimSCon THEN 1 ELSE 0 END