Customization Maintenance "Valid For"

I’ve used Customization Maintenance in the past, and while I don’t think my question is specific for Kinetic 2021.1 …

When verifying Customizations and Personalizations, I have some that come up like this:


What does the “f” in front of the version mean? When I go in to search for items “Not Yet Validated”, they are showing up even though the status is “Pass”.

I see that on some of my customizations as well.

When i saw that i assumed it meant “Forced Validation” since that is what i had to do to get some of my customizations to “Pass”.

I am guessing - maybe one of the Guru’s knows :slight_smile:

That’s what I was thinking as well. I checked the 10.2.700 instance and they are Pass/3.2.700.0

When I run the Verify All, it comes up with Pass/f4.1.100.0 … I’m not Force Validating anything.

No errors, no warnings. Doesn’t quite make sense.

Think @DaveOlender is right. When you query the XXXDef table these two columns line up with his thoughts.

Hmmm… Interesting…

I never noticed that, I only had one record with an “f” and no warnings.
I just tried
a.) Re-verifying and a messagebox displayed (something about uplifting) and it came back with warnings, the "f’ prefix was changed to a “w” and some “location” warnings listed.
b.) Re-forced verification - now there is no prefix and the location warnings are still listed.

I think this customization was created/verified before the last upgrade to E10.
So now I’m wondering this is related to upgrades. i.e. upgrade will automatically force the verification for any existing/verified customizations - and designate with the “f” prefix?