We are running 10.1.500.8. I have a form customization on the MES Report Qty screen. The customization works fine if I login using the standard login.
However, I created an SSO (single sign on) appserver and the same Report Qty screen does load. It looks to me like even the starting MES menu (which is customized) is not showing either (I moved the ReportQty button because it was not working).
So now I am trying to figure out why my MES customizations work when I use the standard login - but they do not show up if I use the SSO appservers.
I traced this down to a sysconfig file issue.
It is working now. However, I still am curious where all the customized files reside. I am guessing it is in a DB file because I did not see any of my customization dll’s on the server or in the client files.
As I understand it in E9 (once again happy to be corrected) , but the personalization/customization/modification scenario is a bit like a layered cake.
Any Modifications created by the vendor or VAR replace the default dlls and ABL.
Any Customizations the Customer makes sits on top of the default system as XML in the database.
Any Personalizations sit on top of the Customizations as XML in the database.
Note the above really should be in reverse order to make sense.
If you have Personalizations and no Customizations they sit on top of the Base default form.
So what are the tables that the customization lives in? From a bit of looking at field help on the Customization/Personalization maintendance form, XXXDef and XXXChunk, there may be others.
Dashboards do get compiled to DLLs, but if you modified the dashboard controller then the customization would be XML in the database.
Totally happy to be corrected on this, as this is my integration of things in the E9 world.
Word of caution, I would not want to touch those tables in any shape or form, except through the GUI. I am sure that @aidacra may have a bit a word to say on that topic.
Is E10 different, that would be interesting to know.
Initially for two to three times it will generate EWA with above mentioned script tag, but after next EWA Generation, this tag will disappear automatically from source code of the same customization.