Customization to Manage 'Risk' at Quote

Vantage 8.03.410

I am attempting to create a customization within ‘Tasks’. The customization is an attempt to manage ‘Risk’ during the quote process. Our vision is to have a predefined list (i.e. No Gages, No CMM Program, Requires New Machine Purchase, etc.). Each item in the predefined list is assigned a numeric value (No Gages = 10, No CMM Program = 5, Requires New Machine Purchase = 100, etc.). We then want to take a sum, or some multiplier, of all values to determine if the quote needs higher approval before being submitted to the customer.

First I am looking to see if anyone else has done anything like this. If not, then I am looking to see how I create a dropdown list of predefined items (which I can do this) and have them assigned to a value, which will populate another field, or better yet provide me with the total value (not something I have ever done).

I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.
