Customization Trouble

I had tried that with no luck. What ended up working was purging their personalizations.

--- In, Waffqle <waffqle@...> wrote:
> Not sure exactly whats going on there, but try clearing the client cache on
> their machines and see if that resolves anything.
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:45 AM, bobschnable <bschnable@...>wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Hi Group,
> >
> > I recently updated a customization on Job Entry. On my machine, it works as
> > I've updated, whether I enter Job Entry from the menu, or right click-open
> > from Order Entry.
> >
> > However, from other users machines, when they open Job Entry, from either
> > the menu or Order Entry, they are experiencing a varying group of issues.
> > Sometimes they will get an error stating "Name is neither a DataColumn or
> > DataRelation on JobHead." I'm using a foreign key view to the customer
> > table, but nowhere in the code do I use JobHead.Name. Sometimes, they load
> > an old customization before I made the updates. I have tried clearing out
> > the customizations folder on C:\, but to no avail.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced something similar and have any ideas we could try
> > before calling support?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> >
> --
> *Waffqle Driggers*
> *High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
> *
> *:: 904.962.2887*
> *:: waffqle@...*
> *:: NO FAXES*
> *
> *
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Group,

I recently updated a customization on Job Entry. On my machine, it works as I've updated, whether I enter Job Entry from the menu, or right click-open from Order Entry.

However, from other users machines, when they open Job Entry, from either the menu or Order Entry, they are experiencing a varying group of issues. Sometimes they will get an error stating "Name is neither a DataColumn or DataRelation on JobHead." I'm using a foreign key view to the customer table, but nowhere in the code do I use JobHead.Name. Sometimes, they load an old customization before I made the updates. I have tried clearing out the customizations folder on C:\, but to no avail.

Has anyone experienced something similar and have any ideas we could try before calling support?


Not sure exactly whats going on there, but try clearing the client cache on
their machines and see if that resolves anything.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:45 AM, bobschnable <bschnable@...>wrote:

> **
> Hi Group,
> I recently updated a customization on Job Entry. On my machine, it works as
> I've updated, whether I enter Job Entry from the menu, or right click-open
> from Order Entry.
> However, from other users machines, when they open Job Entry, from either
> the menu or Order Entry, they are experiencing a varying group of issues.
> Sometimes they will get an error stating "Name is neither a DataColumn or
> DataRelation on JobHead." I'm using a foreign key view to the customer
> table, but nowhere in the code do I use JobHead.Name. Sometimes, they load
> an old customization before I made the updates. I have tried clearing out
> the customizations folder on C:\, but to no avail.
> Has anyone experienced something similar and have any ideas we could try
> before calling support?
> Thanks
> Bob

*Waffqle Driggers*
*High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
*:: 904.962.2887*
*:: waffqle@...*



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]