Customization TroubleShooting - How To Locate the Nuisance Control in the Form?


In Customization Maintenance after verifying a customization and going through the error list, is there a simple way to tell where the mentioned troublesome controls are?

For example, a label errors due to ‘Parent Not Valid’

My predecessor wasn’t inclined to give meaningful names to his custom boxes or labels so I am going through the tree/nodes in Customization searching for them, trying not to lose the will to live.

Is there a quicker way to find which sheet or group box they might be on?

The only place I can think of is the Custom XML editor (in custom mode, under Tools )
where you would select the Custom properties pane and you can see the parent GUID where they are used with…and go backwards until you find a known parent… :wink:

good luck.

It would be nice to have this info in a more meaningful way like add the control name with the GUID… feature enhencement request maybe ???

Note that you have the same issue using SSRS…trying to find where a textbox is hidden/used…


While in Customization Maintenance, CLick Actions > Show Custom Data
It is likely you will not see these in the first tab called “Controls”, but will see these in the “Properties” tab. This means the property of a deleted control is “orphaned”. These records can be safely deleted because they don’t fully exist.
The other three warnings are saying that your controls either overlap another control or are outside of the form. This is not 100% true, but the logic looks at where one control ends and another begins. If they are the same end/beginning, it is considered overlapping.

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On some of the later versions there is a search bar above the object tree in customize mode. You can type (exactly) the name of the control and it will be selected.

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