Customized Input Screens (Engineering Workbench)

Hi Ree,

it is possible to customize..can be achieved using vb/c# programming or BPM! 

I am having trouble deleting rows from the UD100A table that should be tied to the UD100 table.  The DeleteByID only deletes UD100 rows, if I loop through the dataset and set the RowMod to "D" and update, nothing happens to either table.

Any help is appreciated.
You can try adding a BeginEdit and EndEdit on the row before and after setting the rowmod to "D".

Jim Kinneman
Encompass Solutions, Inc

Sorry to leave this out: I am using the BO objects and calling from an external dll (C#) so BeginEdit and EndEdit are not options.

Try this as Jim suggested.

UD100 ud100 = new UD100(epiSession.ConnectionPool);
UD100DataSet ud100DS = ud100.GetByID("Key1", "Key2", "Key3", "Key4", "Key5");
ud100DS.UD100.Rows(0)("RowMod") = "D";


From: "kflatford@..." <kflatford@...>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 1:15 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: Delete UD100A child records

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Sorry to leave this out: I am using the BO objects and calling from an external dll (C#) so BeginEdit and EndEdit are not options.

Good afternoon, group –


Is it possible to customize the input screens of Engineering Workbench to force some boxes and radio buttons to be checked for a given user or group of employees?


Can dropdown boxes also be customized to force a given default for user or group (i.e. for my division, not for the entire company)? (Our division quantifies minutes per piece, where the rest of the company quantifies pieces per hour.)


What sort of specialized knowledge is required to do the above?


(Yes, I’ll admit I’m far more an end user than a programmer; I’m trying to figure out what is or isn’t possible before asking the IT group to put the work in.)


Thanks in advance for your help –




PS: Does anyone ever use the Fixed Quantity checkbox under Engineering Workbench / Method of Manufacturing / Materials / Quantities? Under what circumstances? (The engineering department is trying to get that particular checkbox killed since a stray click causes all sorts of havoc in our Job Travelers.)