What version are you on. In E9 (Pg. 522 of the User Guide)
ABC Code Hierarchy
You use ABC codes to classify your inventory and also control discrepancy tolerances. This functionality handles both cycle and physical
inventory counting. You can define overall tolerances for each ABC code, but then override these values on related records through an
increasingly specific hierarchy. As the records in this hierarchy grow more specific, the tolerance values on the specific record override
the values defined in the previous record. Use this hierarchy to strategically define the tolerances you need within specific areas of your
The following list describes the ABC code hierarchy order:
ABC Codes – These records define the highest level in the parameter 1. hierarchy.
2. Plant Configurations – You can define tolerance parameters for a specific plant through Plant Configuration Control. These
values override the tolerances defined within ABC codes.
3. Warehouses – You can define tolerances for a specific warehouse through Warehouse Maintenance. These values override the
tolerances defined within plant configurations.
4. Part-Plant Records – You assign parts directly to a specific plant within Part Maintenance. You can then define tolerances for
each part–plant record; these values override the tolerances defined within warehouses.
5. Part-Warehouse Records – You assign parts directly to a specific warehouse also within Part Maintenance. You can then define
tolerances for each part–warehouse record; these values override the tolerances defined within part-plant records.
The following sections describe the tolerance values available within each record of the hierarchy.
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of cchang@...
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 2:28 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Cycle Count - ABC Codes
We have parts that have ABC Codes set up with a count frequency of 90 days. However our part's have just recently been created in a new warehouse that is less than 60 days but would like to do a cycle count against those parts in the new warehouse. The system does not select any parts because the new parts are still within the 90 days set up on the ABC count frequency. Besides doing a manual part selection, has anyone encountered a workaround for these cycle count scenarios? The system does not allow you to set ABC count frequency by Warehouse and is set at the plant level.
For example: Part #'s 1-10 have an 'A' code set to a count frequency of 90 days. The last cycle count date was Nov. 1st which is less than the 90 days.