Epicor, We run cycle counts multiple times a month and always opt for randomized part selection. We do however select the quantity of A and B parts for the randomized part selection. The quantities we select are A: 47 and B: 31 which total to 78 parts for every cycle count.
However, the last cycle count only selected 29 parts instead of the 78 that are typically selected. Could you please advise how to ensure the system selects 78 parts when doing a randomized part selection?
I may be wrong but I suspect that based on your frequency that you setup in the ABC setup that there were only 29 parts that were selected because all other parts had been counted within the frequency designed.
Check for overrides at site or warehouse. From the helptext for ABC codes StockValPcnt: Stock Valuation Percent. Used by Calculate ABC Codes to determine what ABC code to assign to a part/warehouse record. This setting can be overridden in SiteConfABC and/or WarehseABC.
Maybe those 28 parts really are making up 80% of your total stock value. Also from the help text: Used by the Calculate ABC Codes program to determine what ABC code to assign to a part/warehouse record. Specify the stock valuation percentage for each ABC classification code being defined. The specified percentage cannot exceed 100%. When the Calculate ABC program is run, it determines total stock valuation and then ranks parts by percentage of usage and dollar value. Usage, on hand, and/or projected usage factors can be selected for inclusion in the total value calculation. Total value is the accounting cost for the warehouse multiplied by the selected factors to include in the total value. For example, if 80.0 is entered into this field for ABC Code A, the Calculate ABC Codes program assigns Code A to inventory items that represent 80% of the value of the total inventory in this warehouse. If 95.0 is entered into this field for ABC Code B, the Calculate ABC Codes program assigns Code B to inventory items that represent the next 15% of the value of the total inventory in this warehouse. Enter 100.0 for ABC Code C to assign that code to inventory items that represent the remaining 5% of the value of the in this warehouse.
Based on your screenshot an A part will only be counted once every 60 days and a B once every 180 so I suspect that there were only 29 that fell into those criteria.
I imagine you could turn the count frequency way down so that the previous counts ‘expires faster’ or write a BAQ to pull in all parts and just manual add them instead of having the system do that through part selection.
I/we just accept that depending on how you have everything setup that every few months we have light counts for that month as it has exhausted its list of parts to be counted.
You can make them whatever value you want from what I remember but that would be going in the opposite direction.
Right now it will only count an A part once every 60 days, if you change that to 90 it will count it once every 90 days instead. You can still manually add the part through the Cycle Count Part Selection Update screen but it will only automatically be eligible to pick it 90 days after the last cycle count date.