Dashboard Summaries

I wanted to reach out to the group and ask for your help regarding a question I have about the Epicor dashboard summaries.

Currently, the dashboard summaries (count, sum, etc) in Epicor are displayed at the bottom of the columns. However, I was wondering if it is possible to display the summaries above the column?

If anyone has any experience or knowledge regarding this matter, please feel free to share your insights. I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas that you may have on this topic.

Thank you in advance for your help, and I look forward to hearing back from the group soon.

Best regards,

I don’t think so without diving very deep into the infragistics controls ui code.

You could however cheat and create some labels or disabled text boxes above the grid, and
pull the summary data out of the grid to populate it.

Here is some relevant information:


It’s not that scary. You have to customize the dashboard assembly and there’s really not much to it. I’m not home but I can send you the code later tonight or tomorrow. I think it’s like 2 lines of code in the form load event.

Wait what ? :astonished:

Am I overthinking or misunderstanding the question?

One line sets a variable using the get native control reference guid of the grid. The other sets a property of the grid. I just don’t remember the property off the top of my head.

And you need to add this using statement at the top:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;

Play in the object explorer. I bet you can find it.

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Just tried it, worked like a charm.

Answer here:

Give the solution to @dr_dan, I’d have never found it.

Did you see who asked that question? lol…

LOL!!! You guys are amazing. Thanks for all the help