Hi Joel,
This was a fix introduced in patch 407a (SCR 58135).
Prior to this, the output date format was based on the user's own Windows Regional Settings. This meant that a user in the US would create a file with dates in the format MM/DD/YYYY but a user in Europe would create the same file with DD/MM/YYYY. This caused problems in eVision when it came to mapping dates for output documents.
We use eVision so this fix affects us but I've only just installed SP408a on our test server (I'm upgrading from 406a) so I haven't had a chance to look into it yet. I don't think there's any option in Vantage to change the output format, I think you are going to have to amend your eVision maps to account for the change.
As I said, I haven't gotten into it yet, but roughly speaking anywhere in your outbound maps that there is a date, double-click on the link (in spEDI*map). Either in one of the formula panels or maybe in "Src Expression" you should see the "FormatDateOut" macro being used. If so, then the source for this macro can be found in eVision | macro | FormatDateOut. *Back it up* then open it in WordPad (not Notepad) and edit it to reflect the changes.
There may well be an updated macro available from Epicor or Tie Commerce - I haven't checked yet - or I hope to have a look at it next week. If you haven't gotten a solution by then let me know and if I've managed to fix it, I'll send you the new macro.
This was a fix introduced in patch 407a (SCR 58135).
Prior to this, the output date format was based on the user's own Windows Regional Settings. This meant that a user in the US would create a file with dates in the format MM/DD/YYYY but a user in Europe would create the same file with DD/MM/YYYY. This caused problems in eVision when it came to mapping dates for output documents.
We use eVision so this fix affects us but I've only just installed SP408a on our test server (I'm upgrading from 406a) so I haven't had a chance to look into it yet. I don't think there's any option in Vantage to change the output format, I think you are going to have to amend your eVision maps to account for the change.
As I said, I haven't gotten into it yet, but roughly speaking anywhere in your outbound maps that there is a date, double-click on the link (in spEDI*map). Either in one of the formula panels or maybe in "Src Expression" you should see the "FormatDateOut" macro being used. If so, then the source for this macro can be found in eVision | macro | FormatDateOut. *Back it up* then open it in WordPad (not Notepad) and edit it to reflect the changes.
There may well be an updated macro available from Epicor or Tie Commerce - I haven't checked yet - or I hope to have a look at it next week. If you haven't gotten a solution by then let me know and if I've managed to fix it, I'll send you the new macro.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Joel Kolling" <jkolling@...> wrote:
> My EDI output from the Report Definition for the date field in 803.305
> was "4/10/2009 12:00:00 AM" but in 803.407C it is "2009-07-28"? Is
> there is setting in Vantage to change this? This is causing my Evision
> to fail on outbound invoices. I'm not sure where in my evision script
> to change this.
> Joel Kolling
> IT Manager
> ITC Manufacturing, Inc.
> Phone: 602-648-0021
> Cell: 480-861-2009
> Fax: 602-415-1444
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]