Default Discount G/L account based on site/Division

Hello all,
Is there anyone know any customization or know consultant guide to set up cash discount taken G/L account based on Site/Division ? I think there is only 1 default G/L company wide, but we wanted have defaults G/L accounts when we do cash receipts entry to go into correct site/division P&L. Thanks

Please feel free to contact me directly. Thanks

Prasad Ramawickrama | Director | Information Systems

ND Industries, Inc. | 1893 Barrett Drive | Troy, MI 48084

Direct: 248-655-2520 | Cell : 248-408-7874

Best option is to turn of posting engine logging and review the rules and your requirements.
Not always the easiest to explain on a user forum but a financial consultant should certainly be able to help you configure the posting engine it is very flexible but has a steep learning curve to master.

Thank you very much Stephen.

in this case the gl posting rule would need to be changed to support this activity
posting rules define the action that occurs using fields in the transaction document and logic for calculating transction amounts and setting gl accounts. they can be customized
in this case the key factor is the identification of the site/division within the cash receipt/discount transaction,
the challange is that this value is not contained within the out-of-the-box posting rule or transaction document (ie… cash header or detail) and therefore would need to be included using some of the customization tools/options.

So YES, it can be done, but it will require some careful customization.

Thank you Alfred.