Default Document Type for Drag and Drop

We recently updated our NonConf Attachment process, so that all the user has to do is drag the file into the tree and it renames and stores it on a predetermined folder on the network. Currently, when they drag and drop the attachment, the form pops up and they need to select the document type as “nonConformance” in order for it to save to the correct location. I would like to have it so that they don’t even see this pop up to avoid mistakes…but I can’t seem to customize the attachment form to default to that doc type…anyone able to point me in the right direction?


Are you exposing the Document Type in the tree? If you expose it and they drag and drop it on the folder for NC, that might do what you want.

The document type shows after something has been added…is there a way to show before it’s added @jkane?

I believe it is under Document Type Control and you select the Expose in Tree option. It’s been a while so please let me know if this is incorrect.

Thanks John, I will take a look as this would be a good temporary step. I ended up customizing the attachment form but then found out there is a bug in My version that won’t let the menu read from it. We are upgrading to 10.2 in the next few weeks so this could be a good option.

So it would seem I already had that checked on this document type…but I don’t see any difference between that and any other forms…Based on your description I was expected to see the Doctype ID shown in the tree view even if there wasn’t an attachment yes?

Yes, there should be an entry under Attachments where you can drag and drop a file and it will mark the file as that type. You need to do this for every table that you want it to appear. See screen shot below.


Thanks @jkane. Strange enough, when I set that for other document types I am seeing them visible in other forms, but Nonconformance is not cooperating ha ha However, we are in the midst of an upgrade to 10.2.6 and I have been told it will fix the bug that is stopping me from customizing the attachment form so I should be able to go around it that way (currently threw a BPM on Nonconf that errors out if they attach any other type of file to the NCR).

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated

Following with interest - I just did the same thing, applied a BPM to force correct type but would also like to default it.