After setting the RowMod field of the JobMtl record I want to delete to 'DELETE'. I get a 'Change Description Blank' error when invoking the method in WS-Tester.
--- In, "Troy" <troyr@...> wrote:
> I have. The trace uses the Update method. The JobEntryDataSet does not include the deleted JobMtl record. Everything else is unchanged.
> If I try submitting the JobEntryDataSet minus the JobMtl record I want to delete using WS-Tester nothing happens.
> At the end of the JobEntryDataSet used in the trace there is the following paramDataSet.
> <paramDataSetChanges>
> <paramDataSet name='ds' useDataSetNbr='0' >
> <deletedRow tableName='JobMtl' rowState='Deleted' rowNum='6'/>
> </paramDataSet>
> </paramDataSetChanges>
> Troy