Demand Header Invalid Document

The help topic “Correcting inbound EDI transaction errors” says,

For example, if a Demand Header Invalid Contract error is displayed in the Detail > Header > Errors sheet, it indicates that the inbound EDI transaction contains an invalid demand contract number. This is a demand contract number that does not match any that have been established for the customer trading partner in Demand Contract Entry. To correct this, you would change the displayed contract number in the Detail > Header > Detail sheet to a valid one.

Where can I find a similar explanation of what Demand Header Invalid Document means? Why not include the explanation in the error sheet?

Still working through the Epicor EDI stuff myself, but I’ll give it a crack. Is it really saying that actual message type is not known to Epicor? eg. 810 for Invoice. or perhaps there is a character missing from the file causing an offset which is causing the error?

By the sounds of it you have found that most of the EDI information is found in application help. So far this is where I have found most information on it.

The document type is 850, which we use all the time with other customers. I went through the delimited import file cell by cell and compared it to one from another customer. Nothing jumps out as being wrong. I guess we’ll have to open a support ticket.

I found the problem. I looked under Document Types on an old customer, saw nothing, and concluded that wasn’t the issue. I completely overlooked the other tab, Documents, which does contain things that needed to be set up on my new customer.


great news can you mark as solved please?

Nice takeaway…Check an existing working setup.

I keep looking for help on this subject and finding my own post. The error messages in EDI import are extremely vague and misleading. I’ll start making a list of all the things that “Demand Header Invalid X” can actually mean. It’ll be a long list…