Deploy MES Customization Per User

Is it possible to deploy MES customization to only certain users? When I change the MESCustomMenuID in the config editor for a user, it changes the value for EVERY user. We want our shop floor computers to have a slimmed down version we made while supervisors have access to the full thing.

Its a field in the sysconfig file so set that only on the computers you wan’t to affect

That’s where I was changing the field. Could it be because I was using EpicorTest10.sysconfig instead of AutoEpicorTest10.sysconfig? We are also on a hosted environment that we access using a parallels client so that could be affecting things as well.

You should not be using the AutoConfig at all… but if you change the sysconfig you should change it locally on each computer and NOT at the server level.
However now i see you are using a hosted environment… in that case you’ll have to deploy a new sysconfig and create new shortcuts and only give those to the users you want. Depending on your host is this Epicor SaaS? or just a regular Offsite cloud provider?:

AFAIK we use Epicor SaaS. We go through EpicCare to do things like software installs or company/licensing setup. It’s sounding like I need to submit a case to them about this.

Yes sir SaaS is a completely different beast than regular Epicor. You’ll have to go through managed services for that