If the payment was entered as a deposit on a sales order, when you create the invoice it should pick up the amount and clear it at time of posting. If the payment was actually put on account, then you need to apply it to the invoice via Apply Credit Memo. If something else is weird like deposit is greater amount that sales order amount, in invoice entry you can do Deposit Billing Credit Memo, basically refund the whole deposit amount then start over as a credit memo.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "fweiskees" <fweis@...> wrote:
> I have an order which was paid in advance. The payment was entered as a deposit payment after the order was already shipped causing the customer account to have a balance, which shouldn't. A/R is overstated and revenue received in advance is overstated. What is the best way to correct the customer's balance without affecting cash or debiting sales? I was hoping to do a credit memo to correct the customer account, but I don't see a way to debit revenue received in advance. So there must be some additional steps necessary that I'm not aware of. Any help or thoughts on this would be greatly appeciated.