Can we please have combined functionality for Container landed costs?
@jgehling apologies for hijacking.
The thing I found with the Indirect costs was the fact that it will add the indirect costs when you at the header, you then need to delete the indirect costs and add the correct ones from the source system.
So it would be good to have the ability to override the costs as well.
We have also seen is that we have been getting the following error when attempting to receive in stock based on a container build with the DMT
“The underlaying provider failed on EnlistTransaction”
I’ve logged a case with Epicor, and it appears that if you remove a PO line from the container and add it back via the Actions->Add Multiple Shipment Lines you can receive the Container, but if you live on a Island and 85% of your product you purchase is via Landed cost this gets pretty tired pretty fast. Good practice for new users I suppose.
I’ve also replicated the error by not using the Add Multiple Shipment Lines, so there must be something different that the add muiltiple vs the Add New Shipment Line process.
Anyway my 2c.