Thanks Greg. I hadn't tested that scenario of simply saving a CustCnt contact once the PhoneNum and FaxNum were blanked. I had written a SQL routine to go back and clear them thinking that would solve the data import issue. This finding in itself forces my hand. I guess without being able to disable the code internally, I will have to back populate whatever Epicor does into our CRM environment and move on. Bummer.
--- In, Greg Payne <gpayne@...> wrote:
> When I had DMT training, I was told the best way to troubleshoot DMT was to attempt the same operation manually, since DMT uses the same objects. I tried to clear the phone number and fax from a contact and when saved they came back,
> The CustCnt table has this entry on PhoneNum
> The contact's business telephone number. When displaying phone numbers of contacts the system will use the phone number found in the Customer or Shipto file if the contacts number is blank.
> You can try a BPM to set them to all 9's on pre and then clear the 9s on post
> From: [] On Behalf Of Tim Vonderhaar
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: DMT Customer Contacts adding unwanted FaxNum and PhoneNum
> Yes, I tried that. First pass I have just the Add New checked, second pass I have just the Update, but the numbers still were that of the customer record.
> --- In<>, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@<mailto:bwalker@>> wrote:
> >
> > sounds like that is a function of the BO or a Db trigger.
> > Have you tried a second pass to Update the records and blank out those fields?
> >
> > --- In<>, "Tim Vonderhaar" <tvonderhaar@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Anyone?
> > >
> > > --- In<>, "Tim Vonderhaar" <tvonderhaar@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > We are DMTing contacts into customers and have found that if the PhoneNum \ FaxNum of the contact being imported is blank, the system will insert the PhoneNum \ FaxNum from the Customer in it's place. Given we are trying to synchronize between two systems, having this type of data change is undesirable. Anyone know how to prevent this during the DMT process?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Tim
> > > >
> > >
> >
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