DMT Issue

Now that DMT updates automatically when you upgrade Epicor version, and updates automatically when you upgrade. What do you do when you run into a version error?

Quantity Adjustment uses the current date for TransDate even when you backdate it, something that worked before we upgraded.


I think first steps would be to reach out to support.


What version are you using?

I just tested and was able to backdate fine on most recent version. Perhaps this is an older bug that they fixed in the latest?

First backdated to 9/1/2024… then ran it again backdating a full year at 9/1/2023… both went through.

Pilot Environment and DMT both @

In the end, I had to move the TransDate column all the way to right on my DMT spreadsheet and then it worked. Strange because for years before the column order was what I used this time. But I suppose something changed along the way.

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Well, at least its working! Nice job figuring it out.