DMT Price List Part Error Messages

The Upload of a DMT source file for Price List Part gives me, repeatedly for apparently random parts, the following two error messages:

  • Part is a key column and cannot be changed.
  • UOM Code is a key column and cannot be changed.
    The first one is really a mystery, as there is really no attempt to change a part number…
    I verified the second error message on a number of parts, thinking that I may have put the wrong UOM, but I did not. So this is really confusing. Did anyone experience this and happened to have fixed it?

Check the case on the part number and uom fields - if you have part ABCD1234 and try and import against abcd1234 the DMT will give this error same for uom of ea and EA.

Thank you for your answer, and sorry for the long delay on my part…. I took the week off! I don’t know that this will do the trick for me. For instance, one of the part numbers for which I get the error is 06-129924-001. When I copy and paste the part number in a BAQ for the parts table, it finds the part readily, which seems to indicate that the part number is ok. This error message is so obtuse.

I get a couple of errors for 24 parts prices out of 7400 I am uploading :

  • Part is a key column and cannot be changed.

  • UOM Code is a key column and cannot be changed.

Part number examples include : WHARK-002, BBUS-KIT, WCAB4C16SJ.

Following James recommendation, I did verify the capitalisation. I don’t know where to go from here. Did anyone experience something similar and manage to fix it?

Is it possible you have repeated rows in your import?

Yes and no.
Yes, I have some of the same items appear in three different price lists, which I am trying to all upload at the same time (in one .xls), and it works for the vast majority of items.
No, I have no duplicate entries inside the same price list…

It is really puzzling…
Thank you for having gotten back to me.

Just to confirm when you verified the capitalisation that this was verifying the part as it appears in E10 not just in the input file.

Also just to confirm that these are not already in the specified pricelist - for example if you do an update rather than an add does this work.

For sure, James, I did as you suggested and verified as you said.

I was able to find the issue that caused this message :“Part is a key column and cannot be changed.”

Some of the part numbers had some trailing spaces that were not readily visible making it look like the part numbers were identical, though one of them had the spaces and not the other.

I was unable to find the reason for the other message (UOM Code is a key column and cannot be changed.).

At least not yet.

Thank you for your help.

That was going to be my next suggestion - trailing or leading spaces

Here is the verdict:

Error message : “Part is a key column and cannot be changed.” See previous exchange.

Error message : “UOM Code is a key column and cannot be changed.”

This error message does not seem to matter : the parts uploaded in the price list anyway!

For each of the 16 parts creating this last error, I did verify that the part number matches exactly what is in Epicor and that the IUM, PUM and Sales UM all match and match the upload UM. One part at at time. Every thing was good. Oh well. Maybe this will be useful to someone.

Thanks again for your help, James.

I just wondering how the structure of import file should be when I have the same part with multiple price breaks. With this I getting errors

In this situation only first row is imported

Problem solved.
that was because there was blank spaces after UOMCodes