DMT to complete a bunch of test jobs

Me again…
I’ve been trying to run a DMT import to update older test jobs sitting in our THIRD database. we want to clear things up before another round of testing. I can see the DMT has an import for Job Complete/Closing. So far I have tried to do minimal with the following fields; Company, Job, JobComplete (True), PendingInspectionContinue (1), QuantityContinue (1)

The file runs without errors, but the jobs are not complete in Kinetic. What might I be missing?

Might need these to be done first?
JobOper.OpComplete = True
JobMtl.IssuedComplete = True


Would this mean I need to do other DMT imports first before I can run the Job Closed?

Unfortunately I can’t speak for how the DMTs validate/process the data…but it just seems like you’d have to work your way up from the bottom/detail (ops, material, etc) in order for the job header to close. Same way for sales orders…can’t close the header before the lines are closed, can’t close the lines before the releases are closed.

While we knew this in the sense of the way things should work, I think we were hopeful we could skip some steps in our testing. 844 jobs hanging out there mucking up the purchasing workbench and scheduling.
I will have to run some BAQ exports to get all the operations/materials sounds like a fun time… ugh…

I used to clean up jobs by running the job complete/closing twice. You need JobComplete = True, CompletedDate = today, JobClosed = True, JobClosedDate = today. The QuantityContinue = 1 is key. This way you can close out all the jobs and then MRP will recreate as needed. I’m doing field names from memory, so I would look at the template for the field names.

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Right…the Job Complete stuff needs to be done before the Job Closed will work. So if you can DMT the ops/material complete flags, maybe that will get you over the hump.

You can do job complete and job closing in the same DMT, but make sure the jobcomplete (true) jobclompleteDate (date) are on the spreadsheet before the closing columns. Order matters.

However, I am seeing issues with closing jobs with DMT. After you close/complete with DMT, run a Time Phased Mtl Requirements report to review the result. I’m finding that jobs closed with DMT are sometimes remaining in the partdtl table and the load is not being relived through the DMT properly. They show up in Time Phase with a status of closed or complete and should not be there. It only gets relieved if the jobs are closed manually.

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I would try closing using the job closing UI. You get better feedback and I had our job closer show me that he could close 600 jobs in one paste insert.

he had job, complete and closed as the first three columns and in excel took the list of jobs and made two columns with true and then paste inserted them in and let it run.

OK trying to use a DMT to complete the operations this morning, sorry my days are crazy just getting back to this.

It seems I need the Jobs to not be Engineered in order to run a DMT against operations!?!? Does that seem right to anyone?

Tell me more about this magical close many jobs quickly?
Are we exporting the Grid then re-importing?

The job list can come from anywhere. Make sure you do not have duplicates.
Setup columns in job closing
Add two columns next to job and make them true. copy the jobs and true columns.
copy and paste insert in the grid
Get coffee

Is this in the smart client? I will be honest I have not done the Paste Insert yet.

Yes, In classic

Ugh. I am lucky I figured out how to even access the classic version as it was not available on the menu. That took me far too long.
Warning I am so new to this platform that I am more comfortable with the Kinetic Web version of screens.
I feel lost trying to figure out how to load the List with the Jobs I want, or do I simply want to write a BAQ with the fields shown on the list view of the Job Closing screen? I will try working towards that.
Then I basically Paste Import into an empty list?

A baq would work. Any way to get the list together. The Paste Insert should also work in the UX, so you can try it there rather than Classic.