DMT Updated Ship Header Details

When we are trying to update the Ship Header table ReadyToInvoice field through DMT the system is throwing the error “Legal Number generation option not found” for your reference screenshot is attached below[Shipment.xlsx|attachment]

Shipment.xlsx (14.0 KB)

Could you please suggest how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Cross check the legal number setup for the transaction document type you are uploading.
Error indicates, Its not setup correctly.

finance management → general ledger → setup → legal number.

@prash172, I have checked the Legal Number maintenance form. Manually (Through Shipment Entry) it is working fine for your reference screenshot is attached below

Two possibilities

  1. May be the document type id is not correct in the DMT
  2. The generation type
    Generate on “Close” try with option “Save”

How to Inactive the Legal Number for Customer Shipment Entry?

The ReadyToInvoice flag is normally set when the ShipStatus changes. Is it not being set when the ShipStatus goes from OPEN to SHIPPED?

And there may be other things that would prevent it from being ready for invoicing:

  • “Invoice When Complete” is checked on the Order Header
  • “Time/Materials Billing” is checked on the order line.