DMT user list into new database; half works?

OK, “half” is generous, but it imported something :thinking:

I am trying to import our epicor user list to set up our Pilot database from a spreadsheet. Many users will have access to two companies.

Thought maybe I’d need two lines per user if that user has access to both companies, Comp1 and Comp2. Each company has a single site called MfgSys. My minimal import looks something like:

UserID Name EMailAddress UserDisabled CompList CanPersonalize GroupList UserComp#Company UserComp#UserID UserComp#CurPlant UserComp#PlantList
JohnS1 John Smith FALSE Comp1~Comp2 TRUE ALL NON FINANCE Comp1 JohnS1 MfgSys MfgSys
JohnS1 John Smith FALSE Comp1~Comp2 TRUE ALL NON FINANCE Comp2 JohnS1 MfgSys MfgSys

On first run (add and update checked) DMT complains for both records:

I reload and run again, it processes without errors the second time (or 3rd 4th etc) (hooray, looks like its done something…), but the user does not appear in epicor, or in a simple BAQ from Erp.UserFile outerjoined to Erp.UserComp

Am I missing some needed columns, or is it not possible to import users completely this way?

Hello Chris,

Are you familiar with the Template button in the lower right? This will show the valid column names AND order the fields. While not shown in your example, it appears you may have a column named Company and that is indeed not a valid column.

There is a UserComp and CurComp. UserComp is a list of valid companies separated by a “~”. The CurComp contains the Company the user is currently logged into.

Yes Mark, that’s where I got my column headers from, and I BAQ’ed out existing data via the join as noted ti confirm the tilde delimiting etc. there is some complexity i think as its importing into a master detail relationship (useFile and UserComp).

I’ve dmt’ed in loads of other data.

The example is exactly my csv. Again, first import, get the errors, reload and repeat, no errors. But no new users in Epicor either.



I don’t recall UserFile having a parent child relationship in DMT. You do have the new company added in Pilot? Just thought I’d ask. I’ve added and updated users using DMT many times.

What happens if you leave this column out?


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@Chrisw this is a known issue that was fixed in

I ran into the exact same thing with User DMT imports. It actually affects other tables too. DMT was expecting the ‘Company’ column even for BOs that don’t really require it.

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We are on

Tried it anyway, but it didn’t like adding a company column (and it doesn’t show up in template builder):

So, sounds like we need the .12 update for this work.

Yup it does, may be less of an issue if you are not importing users with access to multiple companies; not sure.

erp.userComp is a detail of erp.userFile

erp.userComp holds the users’ access to sites etc within each company, and grants the user access to that company.

Looks to be a similar use-pattern to DMT’ing in UserCodes, which I have used successfully previously, before I learnt I could so it with solution workbench:
