I have one field in OrderHed (scFOBDest_c) that we write the Named Place for our FOB.
So I added
FKV OrderHed to Invoice Head.
Added SaleOrder Assembly adapters
added the field to my invoice head screen (all is good can be seen my named place)- no other customization to Invoice entry.
I added to my RDD AR Form - OrderHed table
Now when I print my invoice form (we purchased Crystal 2013 for our forms) field does not display data.
Reviewed the XML and field is blank.
I have this working in our V803.409c and works perfect.(everything matches from V803 - E10) except no data?
What am I missing.
The exact same thing has been happening to me, but in SSRS. I have found that when I directly link the Erp.Orderhed_UD table by the ForeignSysRowID, it works. It appears that OrderHed is a view in Sql, which consists of Erp.OrderHed and Erp.OrderHed_UD. But for some reason, the view doesn’t merge the two tables correctly. I submitted a support call to Epicor, but all they said was that they couldn’t duplicate the problem.
Thanks for all your assistance!
What I ended up doing was I used a field in OrderHed.UserChar1 this field already in available so updated my RDD (both sales acknowledgement and Invoice), added UserChar1 to Order entry screen. Update Crystal forms and
now my field is displaying.
I truly believe there is a problem with the extended UD fields in E10.1 in RDD between OrderHed and InvHead.
Hopefully Epicor doesn’t retire these user defined fields.