E10 - Generate PO Suggestions Hangs


One additional thing for the group. Is the user the same user that always runs it? We have seen cases where the user running it must also have session impersonation checked on their account. If you dig through the Windows Event logs, it will give you some clues about what is happening.

Hope this helps,

Jason Claggett
Vice President of Technology
2W Technologies, Inc.
Epicor Certified Partner
312.533.4033 x8039
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Purchasing is running PO suggestions and this morning it has been freezing up on one part number.   Whole run normally is 2-3 minutes and when it gets to one manufactured part it freezes and eventually they kill it after half an hour.  Nothing unusual about the purchased material used on for the part.  Everything was fine yesterday and the one job using the material was done last Tuesday although we completed it today just to make sure that was not the problem (it still freezes).


Are there any known or common situations that freeze up PO Suggestions?  I’m not sure where to look next for a reason for this.  Pretty sure when I saw this on Vantage 6.1 it was often related to UOM conversions but we are on E10 now so it could be something different.



-Todd C.


Also check this as well,

Check that the part does indeed have a demand that exceeds supply.]
Check to see if Process MRP or Generate PO Suggestions is ticked / checked on Part / Plant
Check to see if the Part has a supplier set either at Part level or Part Class level - if it does are you looking at the correct buyer code in PO suggestions?
Verify who your default buyer is in buyer entry and then check suggestions for that buyer code.

and once done, be sure to restart the app pool because once PO suggestions freezes, the app pool must be restarted to release the frozen process.

I had this issue of it hanging on one part, and this was my solution and fixed it.

Also, both the System Agent and Task Agent user name should be using the same user ID, and password. The user also needs to have the Allow Session Impersonation option checked in User Account Maintenance located in the software in System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance in the Options tab.

I had this problem, but this was my solution, might be for you too.

both the System Agent and Task Agent user name should be using the same user ID, and password. The user also needs to have the Allow Session Impersonation option checked in User Account Maintenance located in the software in System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance in the Options tab.


I'm assuming since you said it normally runs in 2-3 minutes that you've checked the personation on the user as suggested by other members. If you have and it still hangs, you will need to log the output to a file (located on the PO Suggestion screen). Also, if you are running multi-company the user you have running as the system agent must have access to each of these companies and plants.

Hope this helps,

Jason Claggett
Vice President of Technology
2W Technologies, Inc.
Epicor Certified Partner
312.533.4033 x8039
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