E10: IIS Ram consuption

#ygrps-yiv-1583577430 P.ygrps-yiv-1583577430b1e7fd89-0279-4ffe-a16a-1f1bcba0d537 { MARGIN:0cm 0cm 0pt;} #ygrps-yiv-1583577430 LI.ygrps-yiv-1583577430b1e7fd89-0279-4ffe-a16a-1f1bcba0d537 { MARGIN:0cm 0cm 0pt;} #ygrps-yiv-1583577430 DIV.ygrps-yiv-1583577430b1e7fd89-0279-4ffe-a16a-1f1bcba0d537 { MARGIN:0cm 0cm 0pt;} #ygrps-yiv-1583577430 TABLE.ygrps-yiv-1583577430b1e7fd89-0279-4ffe-a16a-1f1bcba0d537Table { MARGIN:0cm 0cm 0pt;} #ygrps-yiv-1583577430 DIV.ygrps-yiv-1583577430Section1 { }

Looks like a memory leak in some processing logic. 

It is recommended you recycle the apppool you can configure this on a schedule within the IIS Apppool configuration. 

You can do analysis with tools (some are free) Epicor support can provide you.

In 10.1 the performance and diagnostic Epicor tool has this new capability to support this.

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Nov 2015, at 17:48, Joe Rojas jrojas@... [vantage] <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Hi All,


We upgraded our server’s RAM from 64GB to 128GB after noticing that RAM consumption was occasionally maxing out.
This took care of the problem and we are hovering around 70% utilization.

I just noticed that the IIS process for E10 is using up 30GB of RAM.
Everything seem ok but I was wondering if that was considered “normal” or “ok”. In the past, I’ve seen it get to 12-15GB.
I will likely bounce IIS tonight but I was wonder what other’s thought.

We are licensed for 46 users with 25 active licenses on average.


Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax

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Stephen Edginton (Beng) | Solutions & Technical Director

Mobile:  +44 7734 858415
DDI:  +44 121 314 1179
Main:  +44 (0) 121 314 1170
Web:  www.dotnetit.co.uk

Dot Net IT Limited, One St Kenelm Court, Steel Park Road, Halesowen, B62 8HD, United Kingdom.


Epicor Platinum Partner

Epicor Alliance Partner

Hi All,


We upgraded our server’s RAM from 64GB to 128GB after noticing that RAM consumption was occasionally maxing out.
This took care of the problem and we are hovering around 70% utilization.

I just noticed that the IIS process for E10 is using up 30GB of RAM.
Everything seem ok but I was wondering if that was considered “normal” or “ok”. In the past, I’ve seen it get to 12-15GB.
I will likely bounce IIS tonight but I was wonder what other’s thought.

We are licensed for 46 users with 25 active licenses on average.


Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax

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