E10 Job Entry Icons

In E10.1.400.22, we see red dots on operations within job entry and job tracker on several jobs. We understand the tag with red dots for material, but we cannot find a description for this new red dot. We have looked through the 10.1.500 Application User Guide and the list of icons and descriptions do not include anything related to operations. We also know the operations aren’t late. Our initial thought was maybe not complete, but we have cases where there are three operations on a job, the first two operations have red dots and the last one doesn’t. Any help would be appreciated.


From the online help.

Job Entry - Job Tree View
Navigate to this sheet/program:

  • Job Entry > Job Tree View

The Job Tree View visually displays the job’s method of manufacturing
through a tree structure. Each method item is displayed with an icon and
some descriptive text. Use the interface to quickly view the job’s method,
tracking the job’s progress as its quantities are manufactured.

Use the Engineering sheets to click and drag method of manufacturing
items onto the Job Tree View. You can also define what items are displayed
on the Job Tree View; you select these options from the View sub-menu
found under the Actions menu.

Each Job Tree View icon identifies the manufacturing item and in some
cases, indicates the item’s current status. Read the Icon Details section
for a key of each icon and what it means.
Icon Detail
Icon Description

Indicates that this item is a project.

Indicates that this item is a standard job.

Indicates that this is an assembly linked to the job.

Indicates that the assembly is on the critical path. Any delay to an item
on the critical path will delay the job’s completion.

Indicates that this assembly has a problem with the availability of its
material needs.

Indicates an operation that has not been run yet. This icon may also be
coupled with the “tag with a red dot” icon to indicate that there are
material constraints for the operation.

Indicates that this operation is complete.

Indicates that this operation has a problem with its capacity. This icon
may also be coupled with the “tag with a red dot” icon to indicate that
there are material constraints as well as capacity constraints.

Indicates that this is a subcontract operation. This icon may also display
with a red dot to indicate that the subcontract operation has a capacity

Indicates that this subcontract operation is complete.

Indicates that this item is a material. This is the default icon for

This icon can appear for one of several reasons:

  • This icon can appear for one of several reasons:

These materials have been issued to the job.

  • The job material does not have a required date. This is either because
    the job was not scheduled, or the material was added after the job was
  • The job material is from stock, and it is Make Direct.
  • The job material is from stock, and is coming from a different site,
    from which the material has already been shipped.
  • The job material PO release (if purchased) has a received quantity, or
    will be here before the Material Required Date.

Indicates that the backflush location does not have enough on-hand quantity
to satisfy the requirement, but the job material record’s warehouse - plus
the backflush warehouse - does have enough on-hand quantity.

This icon can appear for one of several reasons:

  • Not enough stock is available to satisfy this material’s requirement.
  • The Job Material is now overdue.
  • The job material is from stock, and is coming from a different site,
    from which the material cannot arrive by the Job Material Required Date
  • The job materials PO release (if purchased) does not have a received
    quantity, or will not be here before the Material Required Date.
  • The job material is backflushed, but the backflush location did not
    have enough on-hand quantity to cover the requirement, and neither does the
    job material’s warehouse plus the backflush warehouse.
  • The job Start Date is in the past. In this case, there may be enough
    material quantity available, but because the Start Date is in the past, the
    material is considered late.

Indicates a material with a zero quantity per parent for which nothing has
been issued. The icon will display even after the job is completed and
closed, so long as the material is not issued.

Indicates a material with a zero quantity per parent for which material has
been issued on this job. The icon will display even after the job is
completed and closed.

Indicates that the part revision has changed.
Note: You can configure purchased materials associated with enterprise
configurator parts when they are added as material content in
Opportunity/Quote Entry and in Job Entry.

  • These are items for which the Type field has been set to Purchased
    in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet, for which the Enterprise
    check box has been selected in the Configurator
    Designer > Status sheet.
    • To do this for a job, you add the part to the Material node in
      the Job Entry Tree View. After you have added the part, simply
      it, then select Configure to access a Configurator Q&A session.


Norman Hutchins
System Administrator
Howell Laboratories, Inc.

Yes, that is the list that I have seen. The icon we are seeing is an inside operation with a red dot in the upper right hand corner as show here.

This list shows the dot in the center of the circular arrow, but I guess that is the one we are looking for.

From what I am seeing, this would indicate that the operation has a problem with capacity. You may want to look at your Resource Scheduling Board for the resource being used on that operation.

Thank you Beth, that is what we have come to understand as well. Our sales have really taken a negative turn and our current MIN settings are causing MRP suggestions for things we really don’t need and translates into a capacity bottle neck that isn’t really true.


Did you ever resolve this? I’m on 10.1.400.19 and getting this error on a couple operations in a couple jobs too - which due to whatever capacity issue it is encountering - does not schedule these operations (or should I see the resources used in these operations and therefore are not getting done). We recently went live so are still not Global Scheduling and are not scheduling finitely - so we should be able to load up multiple jobs on same resource at same time (which we can do in certain circumstances). I see 2 of the 3 jobs using same resources during same time are scheduling fine. This one in particular was modified by accidentally closing the job before it ran and then re-opened. I checked in job adjustment and Time & Expense to be sure operation was not ‘complete’. I’ve removed job from schedule and tried to reschedule - tried to schedule way out where there is no load even - still can’t get these resources under these ops to schedule. I can’t delete job and start new because some labor was entered at some point.

Not completely Patty. In our case, given this is caused by minimum demands far above our actual needs, we are in the process of developing a dynamic minimum application so we can make quick, ease adjustments to minimums. We have over 40,000 parts in our system so trying to update them manually is not working. Once our minimums are more accurate, we anticipate our scheduling bottleneck will go away.