E10 Supgrade from Progress

Thanks Jose,


Any ideas why this happens?


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 12:21 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: Re: [Vantage] E10 Supgrade from Progress


Yeah it happens sometimes try running this (with the right numbers ofcourse)

INSERT INTO Ice.ICEVer ([SystemCode] ,[SystemVersion],[SystemDate],[DBSchemaVersion],[DBSchemaDate]) VALUES ('ERP', '10.0.600.0', SYSDATETIME(), '10.0.600.0', SYSDATETIME()) INSERT INTO Ice.ICEVer ([SystemCode] ,[SystemVersion],[SystemDate],[DBSchemaVersion],[DBSchemaDate]) VALUES ('ICE', '', SYSDATETIME(), '', SYSDATETIME())

Jose C Gomez

Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:16 PM, 'Ned' TechnoBabbly@... [vantage] <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


So, I have done the upgrade, and I got a couple errors, but they look to be data related so I am not worried about them at the moment.

I finish the upgrade but when I go to login, it tells me

“Version mismatch between server (10.0.700.0) and Database (

So I tried to regenerate the Data Models for it, but that gives me the error.

The Generator and the server versions don’t match. Generator = 3.0.7; server = 3.0.6

So then I tried to upgrade database version but I get the error

The current App Version cannot be NULL

Has anyone run into anything like this?


E10 Supgrade from Progress

So, I have done the upgrade, and I got a couple errors, but they look to be data related so I am not worried about them at the moment.

I finish the upgrade but when I go to login, it tells me

Version mismatch between server (10.0.700.0) and Database (

So I tried to regenerate the Data Models for it, but that gives me the error.

The Generator and the server versions don’t match. Generator = 3.0.7; server = 3.0.6

So then I tried to upgrade database version but I get the error

The current App Version cannot be NULL

Has anyone run into anything like this?

Yeah it happens sometimes try running this (with the right numbers ofcourse)
INSERT INTO Ice.ICEVer ([SystemCode] ,[SystemVersion],[SystemDate],[DBSchemaVersion],[DBSchemaDate]) VALUES ('ERP', '10.0.600.0', SYSDATETIME(), '10.0.600.0', SYSDATETIME())

INSERT INTO Ice.ICEVer ([SystemCode] ,[SystemVersion],[SystemDate],[DBSchemaVersion],[DBSchemaDate])

Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet
ipsos custodes?

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:16 PM, 'Ned' TechnoBabbly@… [vantage] <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


So, I have done the upgrade, and I got a couple errors, but they look to be data related so I am not worried about them at the moment.

I finish the upgrade but when I go to login, it tells me

“Version mismatch between server (10.0.700.0) and Database (

So I tried to regenerate the Data Models for it, but that gives me the error.

The Generator and the server versions don’t match. Generator = 3.0.7; server = 3.0.6

So then I tried to upgrade database version but I get the error

The current App Version cannot be NULL

Has anyone run into anything like this?


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