E10Web Access and existing dashboards

We are looking into using the Epicor Web Access. We currently have between 200 and 250 dashboards that have been created here that people throughout the company use. I know these need to have a web form generated to work in EWA, , but I cannot seem to get any of them to become accessible. We are testing with E10.2.300

In Dashboard Maintenance, I enter the dashboard name, under Actions select Generate Web Form and Save. According to the help, I need to recycle the application pools, so that is done as well. I restart the application in IE, but the dashboard is still not web available. Is there a step(s) I’m missing? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Rick,

We’re starting to look at EDD for these kinds of things. They are already “webified” and you already have the BAQs ready. This works of course only if these are read-only but you might be able to reduce the number of dashboards you have to test when you upgrade. Just a thought since you’re already on 10.2.300.

Mark W.

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@DavisStd1 - just got this working today :slight_smile: in 10.2.300.

The trick is (which I still cannot find documented) is the field MetaData Output Path, found in Company Maintenance. If you read the Help it indicates a local path like C:\Epicordata. That is incorrect as it must be a UNC path to your EWA instance.

  1. Share the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot{Your EWAFolder}
  2. Make sure the permission on that share are Everyone = Read Only.
  3. Edit the field in Company Maintenance (via the regular UI) to contain a UNC path to the shared folder in Step one - something very like \\appserver\{Your EWAFolderShare}
  4. Regen those Webforms again so they appear in this directory. You can actually do this en masse via the Dashboard Maintenance program in the UI under System Mgmt -> Upgrade/Mass Regen -> Dashboard Maint. Load them up and use the Action menu.

Hope that helps!


Thanks for the suggestions. We will get to work on this today!


Web access not coming alignment find the below screenshot.

Dear @Naveen_Kumaar_P,

Re-Generate the dashboard to webform.

Hi Naveen,

were you able to fix this disoriented view on web access for dashboards?

I’ve tried re-generating the webform for the dashboard as suggested by @Hari_Dutt and cleared browser cache but still see custom dashboards just like your screenshot.

Other modules such as Order Entry is working just fine.