Hi Group,
I am wondering how to make a checkbox a required field.
What I am trying to do is = on the Sales Order Entry screen (Order Entry) - in the Hold group box - There is a Hold checkbox and a Hold Reason drop down with reasons in it to choose from. When the user clicks the Hold Flag, they are unable to save the form until a reason is selected. The drop down is a required field and has a message box.
So, now through testing, we have discovered that you can choose a reason from the drop down box but you do NOT have to have the checkbox checked. I want to find out how to make the checkbox be required, as well.
There is a way to make fields mandatory, but it has been a while since I set this up.
Look at Extended properties. Which is under System Management à Utilities.
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1:28 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: [E9] How to make a checkbox a required field?
Create a Method Directive for the SalesOrder.Update Method
the ttOrderHed.HeldReason field of the updated row is not equal to the '' expression
the ttOrderHed.HeldOrder field of the updated row is equal to the false expression
(Not sure of the field name used to store the reason code)
raise exception based on "your message" template
Set the condition: The number of row in the query is not less than 1
The query is: For each ttorderhed where (ttorderhed.rowmod = ‘u’ or
ttorderhed.rowmod = ‘A’) and ttorderhed.holdtype <> ‘’
Note: I’m not sure that the field where there is a dropdown is named hold
type.... just put the good field number there.
Save that,
Go in the action menu
Set the action to raison an exception based on the template
The template is set to error, in the message you put : You have to check
the box hold if you want to put an hold type.
Save this, check enabled, and that’s it.
*Amélie Pelletier*
*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*
[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]
*230, Boulevard Nilus-Leclerc*
*L'Islet, Québec (Canada)*
*G0R 2C0*
*Téléphone: 418-247-3986 ext. 2390*
*Fax: 418-247-7925*
*amelie.pelletier@... <brigitte.savoie@...>*
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*De :* vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
*Envoyé :* 15 octobre 2014 15:13
*À :* vantage@yahoogroups.com
*Objet :* RE: [Vantage] Re: [E9] How to make a checkbox a required field?
There is a way to make fields mandatory, but it has been a while since I
set this up.
Look at Extended properties. Which is under System Management à Utilities.
*From:* vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1:28 PM
*To:* vantage@yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* [Vantage] Re: [E9] How to make a checkbox a required field?
Create a Method Directive for the SalesOrder.Update Method
the ttOrderHed.*HeldReason* field of the updated row is not equal to the ''
the ttOrderHed.HeldOrder field of the updated row is equal to the false
(Not sure of the field name used to store the reason code)
raise exception based on "your message" template
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]