Good Day:
Below are two screen shots of the same part# - one with MRP
suggestions and one without.
The first shows that nothing needs to be done - If you assume that
the Safety Stock is not needed TODAY.
Second screen shows what MRP suggested.
Is there a setting at the company level or even the Part# level that
will stop MRP from doing that.
Sun went live on 11/29
in Epicor 9, 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)
Sun Automation Group
Celebrating More Than
20 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
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Below are two screen shots of the same part# - one with MRP
suggestions and one without.
The first shows that nothing needs to be done - If you assume that
the Safety Stock is not needed TODAY.
Second screen shows what MRP suggested.
Is there a setting at the company level or even the Part# level that
will stop MRP from doing that.
Sun went live on 11/29
in Epicor 9, 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)
Sun Automation Group
Celebrating More Than
20 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
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