E9 on Windows 2008 - Finance


What finance issues have you encountered ? I am planning my migration tomorrow,
we did some simulations and from a finance stand point did not have any issues
atleast that we spotted.


From: Robert Carlson <rcarlson@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, July 29, 2010 8:45:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 on Windows 2008

We have WiServ2008 and SQL 2008 running E9 in 64
bit. Took a while to setup and troubleshoot but
is running fine. The fact that E9 does not
process financial transactions is a different issue.

When we move from our Pilot to Production we are
going to go 32 bit for E9 instance instead of 64
bit....it's much less hassle to have Admin and
Application on the same server. We will install
the database on a 64 bit SQL2008 environment. In
short, we didn't experience any response time
improvements with the E9 application in a 64 bit
environment and we don't need the Asian character sets.

Bob Carlson
Flanagan Industries

At 07:53 PM 7/28/2010, you wrote:
>The progress explorer tool will not work, and I have had some problems with
>the Crystal reports runtime as well.
>Also, if you go full 64-bit, you will need a secondary installation on
>another computer with the 32-bit version on it in order to run the admin
>tools, schema change, etc.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
>Robinson, Nick
>Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 4:47 PM
>To: <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>vantage@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [Vantage] E9 on Windows 2008
>Are there any known issues with installing E9 on Windows Server 2008
>Enterprise? Any benefits?
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Robert (Bob) Carlson
Mobile: 603-883-8093

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