E9: Plant Cost ID

Thanks for your help Greg…


Someone told me to change the BUFFER-COPY and just put each field I want to copy…that is working


If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

     Message "DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for " + PartCost.PartNum.

    PC_cid2.AvgMaterialCOst  = PartCost.AvgMaterialCOst. 

    PC_cid2.LastMaterialCOst  = PartCost.LastMaterialCOst. 

    and the rest of the cost here




Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:43 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



The find needs pc_id2


                             find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and

PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:32 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Here is the log…

(Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for TC-240-SM

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "TC-240-SM" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace



Here is the current code: (Note the different Messages in the code….I never see the first message.)  Doesn’t look like it is FINDing any data through the first loop FIND.

define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                Message "DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PC_Cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.



                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:26 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Ok, I think I see the issue. We are setting the original table not the new one.


PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'. Should be pc_cid2.CostID=’DEM’.


Change in both places.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan


The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

I know I can do this in E10, did you try the Cost Rollup functionality?  Its under the Engineering, Gen Ops, Cost Workbench.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

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Messing with it now…


Deming Plant Cost ID 1:  Stock Status Valuation: 1.5mil

Deming Plant Cost ID Dem: SS Value:  486k


If I look at the SS report, there is a lot of parts with a $0 for unit cost.  I need to make the Unit Cost the same in both Cost ID Table.s


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 10:18 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I know I can do this in E10, did you try the Cost Rollup functionality?  Its under the Engineering, Gen Ops, Cost Workbench.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



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The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.


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Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.



The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."


The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.



The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.


The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."
Thanks..I need to restore the DB to my test server again...did a lot of playing around.

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID


It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.



The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.


The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."


The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.



The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."



The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.



The information contained in this communication, including attachments, is privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the exclusive use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us at 727-578-6240 and immediately delete the communication.

"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."


The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.





                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





End. /* End for each UD15 */







DMT update costs


/* Assign other Std Costs */



/* Update Last, Avg, Std from UD03 */

                Def var StdCat as character initial ''.


For each ttUD03 where (ttUD03.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD03.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD03.Company = cur-comp.



For each Part where Part.Company = ttUD03.Company and Part.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                If Available Part then Do:


                                                                Assign ttUD03.key2 = "1". /* hardcode until commercial */


                                find PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2 no-error.

                                                /* If Not available PartCost then do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                Create PartCost.

                                                                                                PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company.

                                                                                                PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1.

                                                                                                PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Release PartCost.

                                                End. */


                                For each PartCost where PartCost.Company = ttUD03.Company and PartCost.PartNum = ttUD03.key1 and PartCost.CostID = ttUD03.key2.

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Updating Part Cost record for " + ttUD03.key1 + "  " + ttUD03.key3 + " " + string(ttUD03.number03).

                                                                                If ttUD03.number01 <> 0 Then Assign PartCost.LastMaterialCost = ttUD03.number01.

                                                                                If ttUD03.number02 <> 0 Then Assign    PartCost.AvgMaterialCost = ttUD03.number02.




End. /* End If available part */


End. /* End for each Part */


















From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 1:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9: Plant Cost ID



Does anyone know of a way to transfer the Plant Cost table values to another Plant Cost Table?  I don’t see anything in DMT.


We are multi plant, but we are currently sharing Plant Cost ID 1 among all 4 plants.  If I switch Cost ID 1 with Cost ID 2 on Plant B, the valuation is off because not all the values in ID 1 are in ID 2.


Miguel A. Santillan



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"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."



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"This (document/presentation) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120.10. Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior approval form the U.S. Department of State."

Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.





                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 11:53 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



I used this routine and dmt to import costs. You could export from the cost id 1 and tweak this to dmt into 2.


Or you could just read each partcost in 1 and write them into 2 on any update to UDxx.  I made this from my standard update and it runs w/o error, but I don’t have a second partcost, so you would need to test.




Direct read update



define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.


For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.


                                                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = '2' no-error.


                                                                                                                                                                                If available PC_cid2 Then Do:


                                                                                                                BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */


                            PartCost.CostID = '2'.





(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Ok, I think I see the issue. We are setting the original table not the new one.


PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'. Should be pc_cid2.CostID=’DEM’.


Change in both places.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.





                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


Here is the log…

(Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for TC-240-SM

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "TC-240-SM" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace



Here is the current code: (Note the different Messages in the code….I never see the first message.)  Doesn’t look like it is FINDing any data through the first loop FIND.

define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                Message "DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PC_Cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.



                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:26 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Ok, I think I see the issue. We are setting the original table not the new one.


PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'. Should be pc_cid2.CostID=’DEM’.


Change in both places.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                                Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.


(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

The find needs pc_id2


                             find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and

PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:32 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Here is the log…

(Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for TC-240-SM

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "TC-240-SM" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace



Here is the current code: (Note the different Messages in the code….I never see the first message.)  Doesn’t look like it is FINDing any data through the first loop FIND.

define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                Message "DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PC_Cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.



                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:26 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Ok, I think I see the issue. We are setting the original table not the new one.


PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'. Should be pc_cid2.CostID=’DEM’.


Change in both places.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks Greg, I believe I remember you posted something like this on another issue I had.


If I want to copy all PartCost.COstID = 1 to PartCOst.COstID = DEM….is the code below fine?


define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.


(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Close…at least it is looping through the find now.


- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6602

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6601) DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for F120-2218-224

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "F120-2218-224" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6602

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6601) DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for F120-2218-312

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "F120-2218-312" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@13:04:40.496-0800] P-007156 T-002692 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:43 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



The find needs pc_id2


                             find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and

PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 3:32 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Here is the log…

(Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for TC-240-SM

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "TC-240-SM" Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@11:31:45.130-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace



Here is the current code: (Note the different Messages in the code….I never see the first message.)  Doesn’t look like it is FINDing any data through the first loop FIND.

define buffer PC_cid2 for PartCost.

For each ttUD15 where (ttUD15.rowmod = 'A' or ttUD15.rowmod = 'U') and ttUD15.Company = cur-comp.

                For Each PartCost where PartCost.Company = cur-comp and PartCost.CostID = '1'.

                                find PC_cid2 where PartCost.Company = PC_cid2.Company and PartCost.PartNum = PC_cid2.partnum and PartCost.CostID = 'DEM' no-error.

                                                              If available PC_cid2 Then Do:

                                                                Message "DEBUG UPdate Part Cost for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                   BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2. /* all values  or just set the cost you want to update */

                                                                PC_cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.


                                                                                If Not available PC_cid2 then do:

                                                                    Message "DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for " + PartCost.PartNum.

                                                                    Create PC_cid2.

                                                                    BUFFER-COPY PartCost TO PC_cid2.

                                                                     PC_Cid2.CostID = 'DEM'.

                                                                    Release PC_cid2.



                End. /*PartCost*/

End. /* End for each UD15 */

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:26 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Ok, I think I see the issue. We are setting the original table not the new one.


PartCost.CostID = 'DEM'. Should be pc_cid2.CostID=’DEM’.


Change in both places.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 2:05 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Thanks, but I don’t think the BPM is writing anything at all from DEM to 1.  I also put the Message line before the BufferCopy in hopes to see something in the log, but I don’t see any messages.



#10 ETL SS




#10 LCK SS





























The 3rd column is the DEM values, the 4th column is the  Cost ID 1 Values.  #n/A is the lookup with no results.  As you can see the values from DEM are not being copied over.




/17@10:46:50.225-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:GetRows' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.227-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.228-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.231-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.232-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.233-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.234-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.235-0800] P-005456 T-005220 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:50.239-0800] P-005456 T-005220 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.040-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/UD15/Sink.p:Update' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close  ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.042-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.043-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.045-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWSSecurity.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.046-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmRPC.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\Protocol.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.047-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\AsyncCall.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.048-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\BpmWorkflowAsync.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\Bpm\CheckCallContext.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:55.049-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\BpInstanceCounter\BpInstanceCounter.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.242-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\trg\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.243-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\repl\ud15\write.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Open D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.244-0800] P-007476 T-004452 2 AS FILEID     Close D:\Epicor905\Server\db\object\\UD15.r ID=10

[16/02/17@10:46:58.246-0800] P-007476 T-004452 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.282-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:05.284-0800] P-002164 T-005360 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:05.287-0800] P-002164 T-005360 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.296-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS         requestID= NULL

[16/02/17@10:47:35.298-0800] P-006604 T-006792 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'as/activate.p' Line:490) Incoming call from CCCAEPI04:2

[16/02/17@10:47:35.299-0800] P-006604 T-006792 2 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure 'bo/ReportMonitor/Sink.p:GetRowsKeepIdleTime' START (14244)

[16/02/17@10:47:35.302-0800] P-006604 T-006792 3 AS AS -- TRACE: SINGLE-RUN Procedure END SUCCESS. (14265)



When I add the code you told me in RED and run the BPM again…I get this in the server logs.


-     Update bo/UD15/Sink.p (D:\Epicor905\Server\bo\UD15\Sink.r) at line 833

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p' Line:6606) DEBUG Adding Part Cost record for #10-FENDER-SS

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** PC_cid2 already exists with Company "CCI" Part "#10-FENDER-SS " Costing ID "1". (132)

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- ** ABL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS -- --> UpdatePre7_A1 bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6608

[16/02/17@10:57:44.440-0800] P-002164 T-005360 1 AS --     Update bo/UD15/UD15.p (D:\Epicor905\bpmExec\LiveBPM\bo\UD15\UD15.r) at line 6770


Looks like it is looking at Cost ID 1 instead of Cost ID DEM

Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:35 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



Add the section in Red below. It should create PartCost records for parts that don’t have one.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:09 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



So it looks like the BPM is kicking off in the server logs, but I did a BAQ and compared values, there are many values in ID 1 that are not in ID Dem eventhough the PN exist in both IDs.


There are about 20k PN with a price difference…but I don’t think it is copying at all.


Is there another way to write this?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:38 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E9: Plant Cost ID



It looks good to me. I would put into test and then check the server log for any errors, then check the data to be sure the costing looks right in test.