Good Day;
RE: Use CTP on existing Order to find out which lines are not in stock
Sun went live on 11/29
in Epicor 9, 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)
Below is a question I sent to the helpine. Anyone use CTP this way?
We review orders three weeks after placed to find out what is still
short, and far more importantly, WHEN it will ship, which depends on the
due date of the Supply that is needed. All our supply goes to stock,
that is, it is NOT linked to the order, nor do we use cross-docking. So,
it is based on the material flow as indicated by Time-Phase. But
Time-Phase is not reliable because of reservations, partial ships,
Picking, etc. A user suggested going into Order-Entry >> CPT screen>>
calculate >> exit without changing.;; however, we seem to recall being
told that CTP does not work on existing orders. Questions: 1) Is CTP not
reliable for Existing orders: 2) Does it become unreliable as soon as
you click "Order Finalized" 3) Would it work if we uncheck finalized
and then ran CTP? 4) Do you have a white paper one this - when to use
CTP. 5) Do you have a Paper on how CTP calculates - saying it uses
Time-Phase is not good enough.
Manafge-2000 had the wonderful LOOK.SO >> When Avail. E9 does not
have that.
Leonard C. Hartka, IT Director\ERP Manager
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell
Sun Automation Group
Celebrating More Than
20 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
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RE: Use CTP on existing Order to find out which lines are not in stock
Sun went live on 11/29
in Epicor 9, 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)
Below is a question I sent to the helpine. Anyone use CTP this way?
We review orders three weeks after placed to find out what is still
short, and far more importantly, WHEN it will ship, which depends on the
due date of the Supply that is needed. All our supply goes to stock,
that is, it is NOT linked to the order, nor do we use cross-docking. So,
it is based on the material flow as indicated by Time-Phase. But
Time-Phase is not reliable because of reservations, partial ships,
Picking, etc. A user suggested going into Order-Entry >> CPT screen>>
calculate >> exit without changing.;; however, we seem to recall being
told that CTP does not work on existing orders. Questions: 1) Is CTP not
reliable for Existing orders: 2) Does it become unreliable as soon as
you click "Order Finalized" 3) Would it work if we uncheck finalized
and then ran CTP? 4) Do you have a white paper one this - when to use
CTP. 5) Do you have a Paper on how CTP calculates - saying it uses
Time-Phase is not good enough.
Manafge-2000 had the wonderful LOOK.SO >> When Avail. E9 does not
have that.
Leonard C. Hartka, IT Director\ERP Manager
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell
Sun Automation Group
Celebrating More Than
20 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.
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