E9 - WCF with SSO / AD security

I would also be interested in this.  I have asked Epicor support for documentation in E10 to provide this, and this was what they sent me:


I checked with development and they have entered an enhancement SCR #167212 to update the documentation. The only development notes I have on this SCR is the following:

“This will need a token service or similar”
We will contact you again when we have more information.

I followed up with them after 2 or 3 weeks and received this answer:
SCR was targeted on 10.2 and there is no timeframe currently; they did send me the attachment but I don’t have any context other than the file. Hope that helps.


Does anyone have any experience using Single Sign On security with WCF web services?

I am connecting multiple applications together through web services and want to rely on OAuth token based authorization authenticating via Active Directory, and would love to just provide Epicor's WCF the token without forcing the use of Epicor username and password.