ECM Down?

Anyone else experiencing issues with ECM down (Hosted Instance)?

It’s working for me!


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As… @Banderson so helpfully pointed out the problem has been “mysteriously resolved” and Epicor is “investigating” AKA Closing the ticket and going home for the day.

Actually Picture of Support tech (that hasn’t yet responded to my system down ticket):


what is the SLA on hosted ECM?

I don’t know, I’m sure is 99.something … something being a bunch of nines but at this point this hasn’t happened before so we are well within that range

Nice, I wondered what the promised availability was in those SLAs because if they are using azure to run ECM, each resource or product in azure has its own SLA and if they are using multiple azure resources that have their own SLAs with different availabilities you have to multiply those together to get the end availability. Was wondering if Epicor ever promises more than what azure does- which would be impossible because they run on azure (as far as I know ).

Here is a link to this calculation with a nice illustration.

Calculate the availability and SLA for your Azure solution - Clemens Schotte