I have set up customer part codes against internal parts numbers.
When I process an inbound EDI document with the customer part numbers on, the internal part numbers are not being populated when I review the record in the ‘Demand Management’ workbench.
Does anyone know if this is standard functionality, or do I need to do the lookup via a BPM?
Also, do you have both the customer and the internal part number set in the demand contract? We have the situation you describe for one trading partner and this works for us with the above two areas populated.
I have everything set up as per the tech ref manual.
I have raised a call with Epicor requesting a unit test of a sample file and config instructions, but I am still waiting a response.
I am on quite tight deadline on a ‘proof of concept’ project, so I built a simple in-trans data directive on the DemandDetailImport table, that checks whether the PartNum is not populated and XPartNum is. If so it runs the following custom code, which does what I require
We have EDI demand being generated from both our internal part number as well as a customer’s part number that is dependent on the trading partner. It’s based on setup parameters. Are you trying to bypass system logic?
I didn’t have the part set up in the demand contract with the customer part number defined and the mapping is not done if the order goes into the Demand Workbench.
All works fine once I created the line in the demand contract.