Employee links

So we have some reports for payroll to run that need to connect transactions with employees. The employee records are separated by a link generated by Epicor to keep the separated. We have been using that link without really understanding how or when it’s generated. On one of the reports we run (probably more, it’s just where we noticed it), 3 of our employees fell off the list. After some searching we realized that they didn’t have a link in the record. We are going to test the “Remove employee links” and “add links” before we do it in production, but it looks like that will fix it for us.

I have 2 questions, one specific and one general,

  1. What would cause only a few employees to have the links removed? It looks like the actions adds and removes all of them.

2.While looking at the help and seeing that it basically recommends these links to be removed as a general rule, do you guys do this? Do you make accounting add the links as part of the process of running reports and have them remove then when they are done?

I’m guessing due to some user action, ether intentional or unintentional.

I guess it depends on how safe you feel?
What is the size of your enterprise, how many people have access to your the database,
Epicor admin and BAQ developer rights, etc…

I’ve only seen pay rates get out at a couple of sites due to snooping employees but It definitely got “emotional”. (neither were running Epicor).

I have no experience with the payroll module but have you checked the employee data, ie Payroll Employee tick box with Employee Maintenance.

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